
How Can Companies in B2B Industries Become Serial Innovators?

By Kristyn Corrigan In today’s competitive landscape, customer insights alone are not enough for a business to thrive. A corp... read more →

An Innovation Horror Story for Halloween

It’s late October, and with it comes the ghosts, witches, vampires, zombies, and other scary characters that put the horror i... read more →

How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones

An AMS co-authored article, "How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones", has been published in the Harvar... read more →

What is the Value of Customer Service via Twitter?

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) has been in the news lately for a recent study that we conducted on behalf of Twitter, Inc. T... read more →

What is A Good Experience Really Worth? Using Conjoint Analysis to Quantify the Value of Customer Service

John Mitchell, President and Managing Principal of Applied Marketing Science (AMS), is speaking at the 2016 Corporate Researc... read more →

Applied Marketing Science Conjoint Research Shows Value of Twitter for Customer Service

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is pleased to share a recent Podcast by Social Media Today featuring Wayne Huang, a researche... read more →

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