
How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones

An AMS co-authored article, "How Customer Service Can Turn Angry Customers into Loyal Ones", has been published in the Harvar... read more →

AMS Quality Function Deployment Article Exceeds 500 Reads

“Quality Function Deployment”, written by John Hauser, Abbie Griffin, Bob Klein, Gerry Katz, and Steve Gaskin has received ov... read more →

AMS Announces New Firm Leaders

WALTHAM, MA, January 08, 2018 – Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS), a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is... read more →

How Monetary Incentives Motivate Prosocial Behavior. Or Do They?

By Bob Klein Applied Marketing Science (AMS) Chairman Bob Klein offers a few comments on Jean-Pierre Dubé, Xueming Luo and Zh... read more →

Commentary of Consumer Preference Elicitation of Complex Products Using Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Active Learning Article

By Steve Gaskin Some Comments on Dongling Huang and Lan Luo’s “Consumer Preference Elicitation of Complex Products Using Fuzz... read more →

AMS Senior Manager Patty Yanes published in the British Journal of Marketing Studies.

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is pleased to announce the recent publication of Senior Manager Patty Yanes’ article, “How We... read more →

Two AMS Articles Recently Featured in Industry Publications

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is proud to announce that both President John Mitchell and Senior Manager Amanda Ford have re... read more →

Two AMS Articles Awarded 2015 Best of Visions Finalist Award by PDMA

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is proud to announce that both Vice Chairman Gerry Katz and Principal John Burns, Ph.D. have ... read more →

What is A Good Experience Really Worth? Using Conjoint Analysis to Quantify the Value of Customer Service

John Mitchell, President and Managing Principal of Applied Marketing Science (AMS), is speaking at the 2016 Corporate Researc... read more →

Applied Marketing Science Announces Launch of New Website

Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) a leading-edge market research and consulting firm, is pleased to announce the launch o... read more →

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