
Research Reflections: AMS Chairman and Co-Founder Bob Klein

In honor of Applied Marketing Science's 30th anniversary, AMS President and Managing Principal John C. Mitchell interviews se... read more →

How Customer Research Can Turn Around New Product Development

Are you: Struggling to find the right way to conduct research with customers? Tired of your team conducting research with cus... read more →

VOC Is Easy to Do Yourself, With the Right Training

By John C Mitchell Understanding customer needs—The Voice of the Customer—is a prerequisite to successful product and custome... read more →

New Video: The Voice of the Customer

Customer research is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools for innovation. And yet, your current customer research proba... read more →

Why Add Voice of the Customer Training to Your 2019 Plan

By Kristyn Corrigan It’s that time of year again. Meeting upon meeting to decide plans for 2019. I don’t know about you, but ... read more →

The Real Voice of the Customer: Don't Be Deceived

In my work conducting innovation training programs and product innovation consulting, I’m sometimes told, “We’ve done Voice o... read more →

An Innovation Horror Story for Halloween

It’s late October, and with it comes the ghosts, witches, vampires, zombies, and other scary characters that put the horror i... read more →

4 Tips for Conducting Voice of the Customer Interviews

By Andrea Ruttenberg, Ph.D. The goal of a Voice of the Customer interview is to understand your customers’ (or potential cust... read more →

Does Your Company Need a Voice of the Customer Survey?

By Andrea Ruttenberg, Ph.D. A typical Voice of the Customer project takes time (typically 2-4 months), and it can be tempting... read more →

Behind the Name: Defining Voice of the Customer

Everyone seems to use the term Voice of the Customer these days. But what do they mean when they say Voice of the Customer? T... read more →

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