
Carmel Dibner Presenting with Dr. Artem Timoshenko on Award-Winning AI Methodology at TMRE Continued 2023

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) Principal Carmel Dibner will be co-presenting with Dr. Artem Timoshenko at the upcoming virtu... read more →

AMS Machine Learning Study for Boston Children’s Hospital Wins Quirk’s Marketing Research and Insight Excellence Award

Applied Marketing Science, Inc. (AMS) is pleased to announce that a recent study conducted on behalf of Boston Children’s Hos... read more →

Everything Product Managers Need to Know About Pricing Research [Webinar Recording Available]

Were you able to catch Associate Principal Meaghan Foley’s recent webcast, “Mastering the Art of Pricing Research: Proven Str... read more →

How Can Product Managers Capture Attention, Trust, and Buy-In? Sharpen Your Storytelling Skills at This Upcoming Workshop

Calling Pittsburgh-based product managers! Are you interested in conveying your ideas in a way that captures attention, build... read more →

Unlock Product Pricing Mastery with This Upcoming Webcast

Everyone has their price – meaning that even the best innovations are useless if no one will buy them. We understand that dev... read more →

Kristyn Corrigan Presenting on AI and VOC Alongside Gerry Katz and Artem Timoshenko at ISBM Members Meeting

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) Principal and Innovation Practice Lead Kristyn Corrigan, AMS Vice Chairman Emeritus Gerry Kat... read more →

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in VOC Training This October

Whether you’re a product developer, engineer, product manager, marketing manager, innovation lead, R&D specialist, or an ... read more →

Customer Insights in a Pinch: AMS Leading Workshop at the 2023 PDMA Conference

Coming up with a comprehensive list of customer needs is fundamental to Voice of the Customer (VOC) market research for innov... read more →

AMS Principal Kristyn Corrigan Contributes to New Edition of PDMA Handbook

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) is pleased to share that Principal Kristyn Corrigan has contributed a chapter of The Product ... read more →

Leveraging AI for Customer Journey Map Success: Boston Children’s Hospital Case Study [Webinar on Demand]

Applied Marketing Science (AMS) Principal Carmel Dibner recently presented alongside Stephanie Zawacki, Director of Market Re... read more →

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